Overview Of The Concrete Pump Working Principle

If you are in the concrete production industry, or a contractor, you likely have concrete pumps at your facility. These are unique devices that enable you to deliver the concrete that you have made to finish jobs that you are contracted to complete. These units are self-contained, consisting of many different components that work together to deliver this viscous liquid that will solidify. Here is a quick overview of the concrete pump working principle, allowing you to finally understand how they actually function.

concrete pump working principle
concrete pump working principle

How Does A Concrete Pump Work?

These pumps are designed to draw concrete liquid on one side via a piston. This goes into a cylinder. It is extracted from what is called the hopper which is where the concrete is going to be located. At the same time, concrete is then pushed out through what are called discharge pipes. When this occurs, it flows down the boom to where it needs to go. These are typically powered by some form of electricity, usually a motor that is powered by either electricity itself or some type of combustion engine.

Do All Pumps Work The Same Way?

Not all pumps work in the same exact way, although the physics of how they work is similar. As you are looking at a pump from an overhead view, you would simply see the two separate pistons, in different cylinders, going back and forth. These have many advantages compared to gravity-fed solutions for delivering concrete. Gravity-fed simply means that the concrete is elevated above the area where it needs to go before flowing onto the boom.

Concrete Pump Youtube

Advantages Of Using A Concrete Pump

There are so many advantages to using a concrete pump. First of all, you can deliver far more concrete per hour than you could through manual distribution. The constant flow is going to make it possible to coordinate different loads of concrete coming in and being poured. You will save time because this will no longer involve manual labor on the part of those that are likely getting the concrete ready. If you have been using a crane for this purpose, you can now use that crane for other aspects of your operation. Finally, you are going to save money by setting things up more quickly and lowering the cost of labor.

wide use of concrete mixer pump
wide use of concrete mixer pump

How To Find A Reliable Concrete Pump Manufacturer

To find a good concrete pump manufacturer, there are only a couple of things that you need to do. First of all, look for those that are in your immediate area that currently has testimonials from customers. The other possibility is that you may receive a referral. They may tell you to visit a website, preferably one that sells all industrial products related to the concrete industry, directing you to a website where you can make the purchase. In some cases, they may have specials running that may not be advertised. You can take advantage of the savings and potentially get additional pumps if you need them.

Concrete pumps are very simplistic in the way they are designed as you can see when looking at the concrete pump working principle. However, they perform a much-needed purpose. If you have not used one before, or if you need to upgrade from the one that you currently have, this is very easy to do. By researching the different pumps that are available, you can choose one that has the proper amount of output and production levels. These are a necessary component of any serious business that is focused on production when using concrete.