How to Choose The Right Asphalt Plant

Finding and choosing the right asphalt plant for your business is no mean task. This is especially so if it is your first time. If you’ve just started your business or have spent years obtaining your hot mix from a supplier, the prospect of owning your own asphalt plant can be quite exciting. However, this isn’t an endeavor that you should rush into without proper research and information.

It is worth noting that an asphalt plant for sale is a significant financial investment and it is an equipment that is meant to serve your business for many years to come. It isn’t something that can be easily disposed of. Hence, a lot of care should be taken during the purchasing process. There are a lot of factors that you should consider before making the final decision.

In the following section, you are going to learn about the main factors to put into consideration when choosing an asphalt plant for sale.

Type of Plant

The first factor to consider is the type of plant that best suits your needs. Basically, there are two main types of plants: Batch plant and Drum mix plant

– Batch plant: This type of plant, as the name suggests, produces hot mix in batches. This asphalt mobile plant allows you to change the mix specifications at any time during the operation. The screen sizes of this plant can be customized in different sizes which helps to control the sizes of the aggregates used in the mix. You can produce asphalt from any aggregates as long as they meet parameters.

– Drum mix plant: It is also referred to as a continuous mix plant. It weighs and slowly feeds the correct blend of aggregates and then provides a continuous flow of the specified mix of asphalt. This type of plant is not viable if you wish to constantly switch the mix blend. Check more plant details:

Portable Asphalt Plant

Style of Plant

There are two basic options when it comes to the style of the plant; stationary and mobile asphalt plants.
Deciding between these two is quite straightforward, however, it is also easy to overlook some key things when making a decision. First, do you plan on switching the location of the plant and if so, how often? A mobile asphalt plant is more expensive than the stationary type. Hence, if you’ll move the amp aspal only once in a few years, then it makes more sense to invest in a stationary plant. If you plan on moving the plant more frequently, then the cost of transporting a mobile plant will be significantly lower.

Size of Plant

Deciding on the size of hot mix asphalt plant to choose might be a bit complex as it can be difficult to decide on the production required. Even though most companies gauge this using the highest production days, the rule of thumb is to base it on the average of the company’s busiest month. This way, you’ll be able to find a plant that best fits your needs.

Asphalt Plant

New or Used

There are many obvious advantages of new plants, for example, great condition, and manufacturer support. However, depending on your budget, a used plant might be the most viable choice.